Thursday, April 26, 2012

PC Preventive Maintenance

Computer system preventive maintenance (PM) is a very critical aspect of any successful IT operation and we always stress how it is very importance.

No matter what efforts are taken, computers will still has their malfunctions, laptops will break down, servers will go offline, networks will become unavailable  & etc. at times you least expect. All of these problems can be turned away and kept to a very minimum by keeping up with regularly scheduled preventive maintenance activities. Oftentimes even basic maintenance such as backup of critical data, critical software updates and hardware components cleaning can become very time-consuming or difficult for an average computer user.

To keep computer hardware in good working order, especially the internal components, which usually you have to deal with dust – one of the main source of computer hardware failures. It is imperative to clean and properly lubricate all the moving components, such as fans, power supplies, the main board and the CPU. You must make sure that you have the right equipment.

Another important aspect of keeping up the effectiveness of hardware is make sure that the moisture and heat are kept away from the computer hardware, especially from CPU/processor and hard drives, as it dramatically affects their longevity.

Below is some of preventive maintenance activities and the outcomes/benefits of it’s:

Preventive Maintenance Activity
Anti-virus software updates, regular virus scans - always keep the current updates of antivirus software.
Minimize the risks associated with receiving infected files. Valuable files aren't compromised/destroyed by virus infections.
Data Backups, protection and Disaster Recovery.
Increase system up-time and critical data availability in case of data loss. Backups are an essential part of data protection.
Spyware, Malware sweep, system scans and removal of malicious software.
Prevents intruders from unauthorized data access/manipulation, entering and controlling you system.
Regular Hard Disk Defragmentation: reorganization of data stored on hard drives.
Allows keeping your PC running at peak performance.
Operating System Security Updates and Patches installation.
Keeping Operating System up-to-date will provide fixes to security vulnerabilities and holes as well as resolutions to well known and identified software bugs.
Temporary and unnecessary files clean-up. Old, unused programs removal. The registry scans and Start-up environment cleanup.
Freeing up disk space. Overall system performance improvement. Faster system boot-ups.
Regular cooling system Inspections and cleanup: verify functionality of cooling fans, vents and heat sinks.
Increase longevity of CPU and other components by avoiding overheating.
Current hardware review/inventory and recommendations for upgrades if necessary for uninterrupted system functionality.
Proactively plan for hardware upgrades and replacements to prevent last minute, costly purchases.

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